  1. Caring for Hay Fields - AGCO FarmLife

    • “For alfalfa, I would recommend a no cut window to rebuild the roots and condition,” says University of Wisconsin Extension Forage Specialist Dan Undersander. “Let it fill the gas tank to help it make it t… 展开

    Think Fertility

    Adding potassium is another way to help winterize alfalfa stands. “We need to replace whatever potassium was removed by haying during the season,” says Undersander. H… 展开

    AGCO FarmLife
    Weed Control

    Three years of drought in Oklahoma resulted in thinning bermudagrass stands. That left room for weeds, which were encouraged by July rains this past summer. Oklahoma speci… 展开

    AGCO FarmLife
    Burn, Burn, Burn

    For bermudagrass hay fields, a drip torch is one of Hancock’s favorite tools. “Burning has a lot of positive benefits. First, it increases the rate of green up in the spring. It removes the bi… 展开

    AGCO FarmLife
  1. By adjusting soil pH and fertility, managing weeds, and if necessary, reintroducing desirable forage species, you can often make such areas productive again without plowing and reseeding.

  2. Maintaining Your Hay Fields - Tractor Tools Direct

  3. Taking Care Of Our Hay Fields & Pastures - The Hitching Company …

  4. How To Grow Quality Hay - Hobby Farms

    2016年5月6日 · Growing quality hay requires a combination of weed-free fields and good weather. One of the keys to growing quality hay is harvesting it at the appropriate time, before the seeds of grass hay mature and before legume …

  5. The Key to Hay Success: How to Plant a Hay Field that Thrives

  6. How To Restore A Hayfield To Full Production - Hobby …

    2020年9月29日 · It's not uncommon for old, unworked fields to fall into disrepair, but it's possible to restore an old hayfield following these basic steps.

  7. Revitalizing Old Fields for Pasture and Hay

    With regular mowing and good pasture management, you will have a good field within three to four years. The species in the fields will improve, and clovers (from seed that has been in the soil for years) will become a more substantial part of …

  8. Take care of the baby | Hay and Forage Magazine

  9. Hayfield Management Ideas - Biodiversity Landowners' …

    The timing of hay cutting and the nesting activities of certain field birds coincide. By planting hay cultivars that mature further into the summer season, by the time the hay is ready to cut, fledgling birds have grown enough to be able to fly out …

  10. Improving Pastures and Hayfields [fact sheet] - Extension

  11. Hay Field Care 的相关搜索

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