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    Avant Gamera | Wikizilla, the kaiju encyclopedia

    • Avant is a French word meaning "before." The name Avant Gamera was likely chosen as a pun on "avant-garde" while also distinguishing him from his successor Toto, otherwise known as simply Gamera.… 展开


    Avant Gamera possesses light brown skin, in stark contrast to the greenish-blue skin of previous incarnations of the character. Gamera's head is relatively large, as are his eyes which are green. Gamera's teeth are very small, save … 展开


    Avant Gamera is a benevolent creature who selflessly intervened to defend the citizens of Shima from a Gyaos attack, even going so far as to sacrifice his own life to stop the monsters. In one of the novelizations, Av… 展开


    Avant Gamera's origins are shrouded in mystery, as he simply appeared in 1973 and completely vanished after self-destructing. He is noted to resemble a gigantic turtle, but the specifics of what kind of creature he is … 展开