杀猪饭、腌火腿、舞麒麟......传统习俗超有料,浓浓乡愁藏不住!#云南 #非遗 #春节 Pig-slaughter feast, cured ham, dancing lion... These rich traditional customs evoke deep nostalgia! #Yunnan #IntangibleCulturalHeritage #SpringFestival ...
Part 01:小年的习俗 小年,是中国传统文化中非常重要的一部分,各地的庆祝活动千差万别。北方的小年,通常是腊月二十三,家家户户都会贴上春联,挂上灯笼,忙着为即将到来的春节做准备。而在南方,小年则是腊月二十九,许多地方则会提前祭灶,寓意辞旧迎新。尤其是在北方,祭灶的习俗尤为重要,家长会在灶台上放上糖果,寓意迎接灶王爷,为新的一年送去更好好运气。
A scenic resort of Tongling City in east China's Anhui is buzzing with Spring Festival vibes! Join international students to embrace local traditions and soak in the festive magic. #GLOBALink ...
A scenic resort of Tongling City in east China's Anhui is buzzing with Spring Festival vibes! Join international students to embrace local traditions and soak in the festive magic.
The Peninsula Hong Kong has already been in business for close to a century, and although many of its precious traditions remain preserved to this very day, it has never rested on its laurels. Instead ...
Ash Dykes travels across the Great Wall of China from the ocean to its end point in Dunhuang. Along the way, he meets the people who live along the Great Wall and learns about its incredible history, ...