How laser eye surgery corrects vision, what common procedures are available, and benefits and risks.
He hit 45 home runs in three seasons while also pitching at Tokyo's TOHO Junior and Senior High School. He will start at the lowest minor league level in Mesa, Arizona, with the Arizona Complex ...
The OATS (osteoarticular transfer system) procedure is a type of surgical procedure called mosaicplasty that is used to treat a knee injury called focal cartilage defects. OATS is one technique of ...
During ingrown nail surgery, part or all of the affected nail is surgically removed. The procedure may require cutting the skin and/or drainage of pus. If a portion of the nail remains, it is shaped ...
A vasectomy is a simple, generally permanent procedure to prevent pregnancy. It's the most effective form of birth control other than abstinence. During the brief procedure, your surgeon will ...