Thanks to everyone who attended the 2024 Arts and Crafts Fair! We appreciate all of the artist that shared their work and the CC and Colorado Springs Community for coming out to support local artists!
WINNIPEG - The Manitoba government has taken another step toward fulfilling its promise to replace paper provincial health cards with plastic ones. *Billed as $4 plus GST every four weeks.
It's those discarded electronics that are treated with various chemicals and used to make that black spatula to flip your fried egg or your favorite black plastic spoon to dish veggies.
Learn about the impact of plastic pollution on climate change and environmental degradation during the Society of the Four Arts showing of “Plastic Earth.” Scheduled for 4:30 p.m. Friday ...
Learn about the impact of plastic pollution on climate change and environmental degradation during the Society of the Four Arts showing of “Plastic Earth.” Scheduled for 4:30 p.m. Friday at the Walter ...
The first First Friday Art Walk of the year kicks off at 5 p.m. tonight in downtown Portland. Galleries and other local businesses will be open late, and you can always expect to see some fun ...