Cartoon Network has officially closed its website after 26 years, marking the end of an era for a beloved television channel that defined childhoods for over three decades, as stated in a report by ...
Gen. Girish Kumar, former Surveyor General of India. Kiran Kumar's unparalleled expertise and visionary guidance will equip the students with the skills and vision necessary to shape them into future ...
Kiran Kumar's unparalleled expertise and visionary guidance will equip the students with the skills and vision necessary to shape them into future leaders in the field and contribute to India's ...
In its recent guidelines announced on Friday, the country’s telecom watchdog has directed service providers to display the geospatial network coverage map, its availability, and the signal strength.
Intermap Technologies is experiencing a dramatic surge in demand and profitability due to its unique geospatial technology. One key contract alone, a new 3D base map of Indonesia, will provide the ...