Jason Padgett, a futon salesman from Tacoma, Washington, suffered a violent attack during a robbery that caused him a severe ...
The Leonard Pearlstein Gallery of Drexel University’s Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design, will present four ...
The University of Waterloo School of Architecture is a leader in design education and research. Offering a fully cooperative professional program, Waterloo Architecture is the only Canadian school of ...
Snowflakes form in clouds when water vapor in the air condenses directly into ice around some tiny particle, perhaps a speck of dust. The temperature and humidity levels in the cloud are very critical ...
This property, where the same geometric pattern appears at every scale within a shape (known as self-similarity), gives Romanesco cauliflower its remarkable "fractal" character. Arabidopsis thaliana ...
Fractals in nature and Islamic geometry are known for their infinite complexity and symmetrical repetition. They create visual harmony that promotes relaxation and well-being. In Fractals ...
HabiCAT 3D is an open-source software that implements novel algorithms for generating multi-scale complexity metrics maps(like rugosity, fractal dimension, vector ...
We investigate three of 2024’s biggest breakthroughs in mathematics, including a better way to pack spheres in high dimensions, a new way to avoid forming patterns of numbers, and an 800-page proof of ...