Late Monday, the chipmaker announced a slew of consumer-focused hardware, including a $3,000 “personal AI supercomputer” called Digits. Not to be outdone, Amazon-backed Anthropic is closing in on a ...
The approach is bold but could be what’s needed to push the firm ahead in the AI race as younger companies like OpenAI and Anthropic ... but takes over downtown San Francisco each year ...
Get the latest federal technology news delivered to your inbox. Anthropic, a rapidly growing artificial intelligence startup, is further expanding its operations into the public sector market ...
Anthropic, a rapidly growing artificial intelligence startup, is further expanding its operations into the public sector market, beginning with the hiring of its first public sector sales chief.
Here's the rest of what's changing in business as our world turns. San Francisco artificial intelligence upstart Anthropic is in talks to raise $2 billion led by Lightspeed Venture Partners at a $ ...