The Transformers franchise has several iconic Autobots, with several being fan-favorites due to their characterizations or ...
The Transformers are best known for turning into cool cars and machines. But from cameras to giant guns, some were weirder ...
As random as it may seem for this Megan Fox thirst trap video from the 2007 movie (which, if you’re ranking the Transformers ...
In a unique Christmas-themed episode of Transformers Animated, fans got an unexpected glimpse of their favorite Autobots as flesh-and-blood humans, thanks to a devious plot by the villainous Soundwave ...
More video game Transformers-inspired figures are on the way from Hasbro, including another Optimus Prime. In 2015, the game Transformers: Devastation arrived, which features the iconic Autobots ...
This upcoming crossover picked the perfect time to announce that a fusion figure was on the way. Macross recently arrived on ...
Transformers franchise spans decades with diverse media presence creating a strong global fanbase. Autobots, including legendary members like Optimus Prime and Grimlock, have diverse personalities ...
if you’re ranking the Transformers movies, probably shows up in the middle) to be popping up on our social media feeds, nothing is more out of context in this clip than the song playing over it.
This means that Prime subscribers can watch the movie at no extra cost, and it's the definition of a fun movie night whether ...