Earth science geologist who works in the field of paleontology is known as a paleontologist and studies various fossils from prehistoric times. closeup sharp teeth fish This underwater video shows a ...
Our first prehistoric hunt in a creek loaded with history! Fossils and shark teeth in every shovel full! Crazy fun hunt! Tons of great finds all older that megalodon! Alabama fossils and shark teeth!
Shark tooth fossils in sandstone matrix, Lamna obliqua, Eocene Epoch (56 to 34 million years ago), ... [+] Morocco, (Specimen courtesy of Ron Stebler, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA), (Photo by Wild ...
Thus leaving this huge shark to continue its journey undisturbed. The subsequent search for this massive shark (named Kamakai) remains intriguing. Live sharksucker (Echeneis naucrates) and the sand ...
The 23ft long beast had huge flesh-tearing teeth that ripped through its prey and could grow up to the size of small boat. The fossil of the shark that roamed the seas millions of years ago was ...
A “serrated blade” found sticking from a rock on Isle of Wight in the UK has been identified as a shark tooth that could be 100 million years old, experts say. Wight Coast Fossils photo A ...
According to a press release from NCAFF, the campaign highlights the aqauriums two resident sand tiger sharks and draws attention to the endangered species. “The sand tiger sharks in the Cape ...
According to a press release from NCAFF, the campaign highlights the aqauriums two resident sand tiger sharks and draws attention to the endangered species. “The sand tiger sharks in the Cape Fear ...