Jurassic Park), produced by Frank Marshall and Patrick Crowley (the Jurassic World trilogy), and executive-produced by Steven Spielberg (director of the first two films and EP on the last four ...
The 2018 short film is just 10 minutes long, but it’s easily the best movie of Colin Trevorrow’s Jurassic era. The film, directed by Trevorrow, is set in an RV park at the fictional Big Rock ...
The Jurassic Park franchise continues to endure 32 years after the release of the original, ground-breaking film by director Steven Spielberg. With the six films having grossed over $6 billion ...
To get to the upstairs dining location, you can climb the stair case that many guests stand on to watch the big drop from Jurassic Park: The Ride! Many people don’t know about this area, so it is ...
In this ultimate guide to the Xcaret parks, you’ll find everything you need to know, including an overview of each park, how to pronounce their names, the activities you can enjoy, transportation tips ...