The symposium will be held in one round. All virtual submissions will be required to upload a narrative recording and poster on VoiceThread. Posters that have been accepted for in person presentations ...
In contrast to an oral presentation, a “poster” is a visual representation of the research project that must convey the essence of your message. In effect, it “talks” for the researcher. The poster ...
The 49th National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS), sponsored by the Division of Organic Chemistry of the American Chemical ...
Waterloo Engineering recent alumni are invited to participate in an exclusive virtual conversation with Waterloo Engineering alumna, Lisa Tong (BASc ’01, Chemical Engineering), who recently published ...
Palisade Bio is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and advancing novel therapeutics for patients living with autoimmune, inflammatory, and fibrotic diseases. The Company ...
Here in Newcastle is where great innovators such as Armstrong, Stephenson, Merz and Swan developed ideas that changed the world. We are proud to continue our city's rich history in world-leading ...
Researchers report on Jan. 30 in the journal Joule that a more efficient and environmentally friendly form of refrigeration might be on the horizon. The new technology is based on thermogalvanic cells ...
Once a year, a community of university professors, students and national lab researchers who focus on nuclear science and security gather to share ...
Jan. 27, 2025 — Effective management of phosphorus is needed to curb the rise of harmful algal blooms. Few studies have explored how algal biomass, especially blue-green algae, can be used to ...
Chemical biology is the study of the chemicals and chemical reactions involved in biological processes, incorporating the disciplines of bioorganic chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology and pharma ...
A university that is home to five Nobel Prize winners. Engineering faculty who include two former NASA astronauts and the founder of Engineers Without Borders-USA. CU Engineering is the highest ranked ...
Often known as the central science, it is a creative discipline chiefly concerned with atomic and molecular structure and its change, for instance through chemical reactions. Fifteen years ago ...