This year’s event was called “Legends and Lore 2--Even More Legendary.” It’s one in a series of fundraisers for the history center. The money collected supports the center in paying for necessary ...
BARAGA COUNTY, Mich. (WLUC) - Despite multiple days of subzero conditions, Keweenaw Bay in Baraga County has yet to freeze, preventing ice fishers from setting up in the bay. “It’s ingrained in their ...
LANSING, Mich. (WLUC) - With 63 to 41 votes, the Michigan House passed two bills to keep tipped workers' wages as is. In February, the base pay for tipped workers will increase to nearly $6 an hour.
IRON MOUNTAIN, Mich. (WLUC) - Small business owners and economic leaders in Dickinson County gathered at Bay College Iron Mountain Thursday morning. There, they learned the best ways to win grants ...