The Ballroom scene of Berlin is on fire right now! Never have there been more balls happening with new events popping up every other week. It’s exciting to see the enthusiasm of the young generation ...
When we think of Berlin as a tourist destination, there’s one spot that invariably attracts all kinds of visitors. Whether it’s your grandma or the cool chick you met in London, they’ll want to see ...
Whether you are just getting into running or are already a regular runner, Berlin is the right place for you. The city has one of the largest and most dedicated running communities in the world.
Get Fucked is back baby! After a long and restful beauty sleep Olympia Bukkakis brings her long running queer performance night into our favourite garden of (very) earthly delights for GET FUCKED in ...
The latest dance theater piece The Hunger by Costanza Macras and her company Dorky Park has taken Berlin by storm – and rightly so. This brilliant spectacle not only impresses with a unique cast, but ...
When it’s really hot in Berlin and the time is to short to go outside of the city to the lakes the only other option to cool down a bit is hitting the pools! Luckily, Berlin has a whole bunch of them ...
Wenn wir an Berlin als Reiseziel denken, gibt es einen Ort, der unweigerlich alle Arten von Besuchern anzieht. Egal, ob es deine Oma ist oder die coole Lady, die du in London kennengelernt hast, sie ...
An annual selection of new restaurant openings is a staple of iHeartBerlin. Unsurprisingly, this year our list is a bit delayed and doesn’t showcase quite as many places as usual. But even in spite of ...