The Vaishnava Rama Ekadashi falls during the ‘Krishna Paksha Ekadashi’ (11th day in the dark fortnight of moon) during the ‘Damodara’ month in the Vaishnava calendar. In the Hindu lunar this date ...
Vaishnava Mohini Ekadashi falls on the ‘Shukla Paksha Ekadashi’ (11th day of the bright fortnight of moon) during the month of ‘Madhusudana’ in the Vaishnava calendar. This ekadashi is also observed ...
Andal, one of the 12 Alwars of the Sri Vaishnava tradition, authored the Thiruppavai, which forms an integral part of the Alwar Divya Prabandham and holds a special place in Tamil literature.
Nirmohi Ani Akhada: Known for its strong emphasis on devotion to Lord Rama and community service within the Vaishnavite tradition. Overall, there are three Vaishnava Akhadas actively participating ...
This event, a significant milestone in the Sri Vaishnava tradition, is a moment when the Lord’s love and blessings manifest in their fullest. The temple opened its doors to the public ...