Rupert, a three-year-old Cavapoo (Cavalier King Charles and Poodle mix), lives in Suffolk, U.K, with his owners Sarah-Jane and Luke, and is described as a "very expressive dog." He "often gives us ...
A mix between a Poodle and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, the Cavapoo goes by several names, including Cavadoodle and Cavoodle. These adorable pups make amazing family pets thanks to their ...
Bottom line: Ever heard of a Cavapoo? It's a mix between the Cavalier King Charles spaniel and a miniature or toy poodle.
"This is beyond sweet," another added. The cavapoo breed, a cross between the Cavalier King Charles spaniel and the poodle, is known for its affectionate nature, intelligence and adaptability.
Poodle mixes like Paolo are often cuddly ... Not every dog will enjoy cuddling with their new siblings as Paolo does, but the Cavapoo's precious videos can be a wonderful source of inspiration ...