A newly reported fossil of an oviraptorid embryo, nicknamed Baby Yingliang, provides an extraordinary glimpse into the ...
Researchers said the egg was probably preserved by a sudden mudslide that buried it, protecting it from scavengers Scientists have announced the discovery of a perfectly preserved dinosaur embryo ...
Chinese construction workers digging on Christmas day found a gift that was wrapped 130 million years ago in the form of 30 incredibly preserved dinosaur eggs. The discovery was made in the city ...
Scientists on Tuesday announced the discovery of an exquisitely preserved ... inside a 17cm-long egg at the Yingliang Stone Nature History Museum. New dinosaur species found in Mexico might ...
Researchers have found a well-preserved dinosaur embryo inside of a fossilized egg. Dubbed “Baby Yingliang”, the embryo is that of a toothless theropod group called oviraptorosaurs.
The 72 to 66-million-year-old oviraptorosaur embryo was found in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, in southern China.
Chinese researchers have found a perfectly preserved dinosaur embryo. The egg was in all likelihood preserved by a sudden landslide that buried it, according to scientists.
But sometimes, an especially rare gem is found ... metre-long specimen was so perfectly preserved that researchers were able to stare into the face of a real dinosaur that lived during a time ...
An incredibly rare dinosaur embryo discovered perfectly preserved inside its egg has shown scientists ... is the first time a fully intact embryo has been able to be studied. Other eggs were also ...
Flowers discovered perfectly preserved in globs of amber bloomed at the feet of dinosaurs, suggesting that some flowering plants in South Africa today have remained unchanged for 99 million years ...