This study was a multipurposed review, which included discussion of recent studies investigating the cellular and genetic basis of these diseases, the pathogenesis of NAFLD and the current ...
Because of the burden of NAFLD in obesity, its association with insulin resistance and the potential role of TWEAK in the liver, we investigated the contribution of TWEAK to the pathogenesis of NAFLD.
The fifth Wuhan International Conference on Liver and Cardiovascular Science (WICCS), hosted by IMA of Wuhan University, focuses on the pathogenesis of NAFLD, the pathology of metabolic disorder ...
This article will briefly discuss prevalence studies and the pathophysiology of NAFLD and focus on current discussions related to the specific lesions in the pathology of NASH, including the ...
Our research focuses on understanding acquired and genetic causes of NAFLD as well as pathogenesis of both 'Metabolic NAFLD' and 'Genetic NAFLD'. We also aim to develop in one large EU project new ...