近日,索尼互动娱乐产品管理副总裁若井宏美在接受知名游戏媒体Game File专访时,分享了PlayStation Portal掌机的用户行为有趣数据。她透露,Portal掌机的用户活跃度在晚上9点达到高峰,这一时间点比PlayStation 5的主机用户高峰时间晚了一个小时。
尽管索尼推出的串流掌机PlayStation Portal在上市初期遭遇了诸多嘲笑,但最新数据显示,这款设备的销量已经成功突破了200万台大关。 Game File的Stephen ...
在知名游戏论坛 NeoGAF 上,一位用户发起了一项投票,询问玩家对索尼最差一代游戏机的看法。结果显示, PS5 以超过 69% 的得票率高居榜首,成为玩家心目中表现最差的一代 PlayStation 主机 。相比之下,PS1 仅获得 1.5% 的投票,PS2 为 1.8%,PS3 为 25%,PS4 为 2.4%。值得注意的是,PS3 时代曾被认为是游戏行业的低谷之一,但如今玩家认为 PS5 ...
You still get the impressive DualSense controller along with all the benefits that the PS5 offers. With the arrival of the new revision, there are some great bundles around, including a free ...
1月24日,PS商店发布了2024年的游戏下载排行榜。在这个榜单中,《FF7:重生》荣登PS5平台(日本)榜首。同时,《怪物猎人:世界》成为了最受PS4平台日本玩家喜爱的游戏之一。这些数据是根据PS5、PS4、PSVR2以及基本免 ...
Square Enix已经确认,《最终幻想7重生》,将于2025年1月23日登陆PC,并且已被Steam Deck验证,说明也支持在掌机上玩,但这并不能说明游戏在设备上的技术表现。 由于Steam Deck和Switch ...
You're not the only one wondering where to buy the PS5 disc drive right now. While we did see a spark of stock in the US (Amazon had the accessory on the shelves for a few days in a row), things ...
The best PS5 games are here to help cure your indecision. There are hundreds of great titles available on the PlayStation platform, but some are undoubtedly more worthy of your time, attention ...
Your gateway to fully enjoying the best PS5 games lies in which controller you pick. While other accessories can be important, such as the best headsets to immerse you in the game's soundscape ...
The best PS5 exclusives are those games that are or were, made exclusively for Sony's latest console. Exclusive games can set the tone and scene for a machine's offering compared to others.
Determining the best PS5 games has now become quite a tricky task. While the PS5 generation started slow and was initially flooded with cross-generation titles also playable on PS4, Sony’s ...