Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Thursday said his government would ban the sale of liquor at 17 places of religious worship in the state. "Everyone is aware of the ill-effects of liquor ...
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav announced that liquor sales will be banned at locations believed to have been graced by the presence of Lord Krishna and Lord Ram in the state.
A third person has been charged in connection to a raid at a Louisville liquor store. Sukhjit Bains and Johnathan Ernspiker were indicted just days before the raid at Liquor Palace 5 on Jan. 10.
The Congress intensified its attack on the AAP on Thursday. The party dubbed AAP as “Alcohol Affected Party” and accused it of accepting money from l ...
The Delhi Distillers and Brewers Association argue that the new system favoured big firms. A Punjab industry player argued the system would make it impossible for new or local brands to thrive.