Chef Will Meyrick embarks on an exciting journey through Kolkata's vibrant street food scene. Renowned chef Will Meyrick journeys to Kolkata on a culinary quest, searching for fresh ideas to inspire ...
Vegetarian restaurants in Kolkata include names like Banana Leaf, Govinda’s, Haveli and Balwant Singh’s Eating House. Famous for its rich and complex cuisine, Kolkata has a deep and intimate ...
According to the details, at number 5 is Paragon Restaurant in Kozhikode, which started in 1939 and is famous for its Biryani. Following this is Peter Cat from Kolkata at number 7, which started ...
Explore the culinary heritage of India with seven iconic restaurants recognized in the '100 Most Iconic Restaurants in the World 2024' list, showcasing rich flavors and historical significance.
Six of Kolkata's oldest and most celebrated sweet shops beckon exploration, combining heritage and delicious treats. These establishments are revered for their historic relevance and exquisite ...