Find out how to get rid of possums using wildlife-friendly methods. Possums, more correctly called opossums, are nocturnal critters that scavenge for insects, small rodents, and plant matter.
Thankfully, opossums act like vacuum cleaners, killing almost 95 per cent of the ticks that try to feed on them. A single opossum could eliminate as many as 4,000 ticks in a week! And, as an added ...
HUNTINGDON COUNTY, Pa (WJAC) — Police say an Alexandria woman is facing animal cruelty charges after killing a possum with a kitchen knife Wednesday afternoon in Huntingdon County. According to ...
Trail cameras monitoring “feral” cats at Bowra Sanctuary recorded the park’s first sighting of a brushtail possum in a decade, photos show. Photo from the Australian Wildlife Conservancy ...