2025年1月22日,开源社区向前迈进了一大步,LLVM项目宣布获得了对IBM System Z的arch15目标,即IBM z17/Telum II的初步支持。这一消息无疑是对广大开发者和技术爱好者的一剂强心针,将为IBM用户带来更多优化和便捷的编程体验。
IBM on Tuesday also introduced new Windows and Unix models to its IntelliStation line. The move to unify the workstation line helps combine the company's development efforts and helps field ...
Unix was developed as a command line interface in the early 1970s with a very rich command vocabulary. DOS followed more than a decade later for the IBM PC, and DOS commands migrated to Windows.
Version 1.7 will allow ISVs to quickly recompile and extend their .Net-based Windows, Web and server applications to run on Linux across IBM's xSeries, iSeries and zSeries mainframes supporting ...