"There are few pleasures like really burrowing one's nose into sweet peas," according to novelist Angela Thirkell – so how to grow sweet peas in your own garden for a pretty sea of fragranced ...
Sow seeds in a cold frame in autumn or straight into the ground in spring, and you'll be eating sweet, tender peas ... to create supports for plants. Once peas have reached 5-8cm (2-3in) in ...
Keep your sweet pea seeds moist, and do not let them dry out. Grow them on until they’re about 10cm high, and then remove the tip of the plant with your finger and thumb, which will encourage it ...
Why grow sweet peas as a screen? Sweet peas need support and a screen is a great way of exploiting their natural growing habit while introducing height, colour and scent in one season. Create a ...
Despite being related to peas, sweet peas are not edible and are poisonous in large amounts. Though a hardy plant, it can be tricky for some gardeners to grow these flowers from seeds. One common ...