In Steven Soderbergh's supernatural thriller Presence, a family finds they aren't alone in their new house. It's a ghost story told masterfully from the ghost's point of view.
House on Haunted Hill plays out more like a fantastically engrossing mystery than a horror movie, the premise a precursor to films like House of 9 (2004). Sightings of a “ghost” turn out to be ...
The Exorcist is a 90’s horror movie in which the evil possessed the young girl who was rescued by two priests. The other is a horror mystery in which a girl moves into a haunted house unknowingly with ...
Drew Hancock’s directorial debut delves into the darkly comic chaos of an AI ‘companion’ bot gaining sentience and spiralling into madness. Sophie Thatcher (Yellowjackets) cements her status as a ...
Steven Soderbergh turns everything we know about a haunted house movie upside down in thought-provoking horror-drama Presence, as well as what we've come to expect from his work, too. Over the ...
Luckily, the best horror movies on Netflix have you covered ... As secrets from her past emerge, Sam will have to look for answers in this haunted town as a new wave of killings begin, attracting ...