Now the Bride, an enigmatic and ethereal character seen in the Haunted Mansion's attic, is the "newest" debut at the world-famous phantom-filled favorite. Of course, the veiled figure isn't new to ...
The Black Widow Bride in Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion who had a dark habit of beheading her husbands has traded in her axe for a new backstory that softens her murderous tendencies and makes her ...
The new Haunted Mansion Bride sipper is a ghostly shade of blue, and stands solemnly while holding a candelabra and a bouquet. Her face glows blue and her beating red heart glows within her chest ...
Rumored changes coming to the attraction are updated Hitchhiking Ghost effects at the end of the attraction and a new version of Constance Hatchaway, aka, The Haunted Mansion Bride. With the ...