Despite most characters in Dragon Ball surpassing the original version of Super Saiyan Goku, some never did – and never will.
The Saiyan fusions have always been the strongest characters in the series, but here's how they could be made even stronger!
But this is also a different case than with Goku. He didn’t have to deal with a Tamagami boosted up to a new power level, and only needed to reach Super Saiyan 2 to get his victory. Now that ...
It was a big full circle moment for Gohan as like when he had initially defeated Cell during the Cell Saga in Dragon Ball Z, ...
Achieving this transformation required seven years of intense physical training, elevating Goku’s power to a level that transcended the limits of regular Super Saiyan. In this form, his golden ...
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot DLC 2 is giving Goku and Vegeta another major power boost ... powerful as Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken, not on the level of Ultra Instinct. Finally, there is also a question ...