So it makes sense you might want to know how to get rid of dust mites in your home. Here are 7 different ways to kill dust mites in your home. We'll cover the most obvious method first ...
Dust mites are usually the last thing on our mind when looking for ways to improve our sleep. However, they’re a bigger threat to a goodnight's rest than you might have imagined. Even the best ...
It is possible to drastically reduce the amount of dust mites in your home, which should alleviate symptoms in time. Firstly, reduce humidity inside rooms by opening windows to allow ventilation.
Mayo Clinic shares that “you can't completely eliminate dust mites from your home”, but “you can significantly reduce their number.” Their top tips are: Use allergen-proof bed covers ...
There are steps you can take to help keep dust mites under control in your home, particularly for people who are more susceptible to the allergens, such as adults and children with asthma ...
Because something else is already there waiting to gobble them up: dust mites. And the longer you wait between washes, the more food these critters will have and the more they'll procreate and ...
E. coli on the doorknob. Asthma-inducing dust mites in your rugs. That weird pink slime growing in the toilet. Your home might be your refuge, but it’s also full of germs and dirt.