In today’s globalized economy, many organizations operate across multiple countries and cultures, creating diverse and dynamic teams. While this diversity can ...
cultural values sometimes conflict. We can misunderstand each other, and react in ways that can hinder what are otherwise promising partnerships. Oftentimes, we aren't aware that culture is acting ...
Citations: Brett, Jeanne, Kristin Behfar, Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks. 2014. Managing Cross-Culture Conflicts: A Close Look at the Implication of Direct versus Indirect Confrontation.
F OR MILLEnNIA war has been a largely male undertaking. Women may have sparked conflict—think of Helen of Troy—or in countless numbers been its victims. They have also conducted daring missions behind ...
Situated at the junction between Africa and Asia, Gaza is a critical archaeological landscape. But the region's heritage is currently facing an unprecedented risk of loss. Alongside the widespread ...