Dolphins are very social animals that scientists have observed “smiling” while playing with one another. But a solitary bottlenose dolphin, known by the name Delle, has been observed near the ...
The film is based on the true story of a three-month-old bottlenose dolphin called Winter, who learns to swim again after losing her tail in a crab trap. It spawned Dolphin Tale 2, a sequel ...
They live in large stable social clusters, their presence in our coastal waters is seasonal and they form long-term associations with oceanic bottlenose dolphins. The latter is a particularly ...
In 2013, the Korean Animal Welfare Association (KAWA), local scientists, and government officials planned the release of five captive bottlenose dolphins—named Je-dol, Sampal, Chunsam, Taesan, and ...
Up until recently, it was thought that only two species of bottlenose dolphins existed—the Indo-Pacific and the common bottlenose. But recent DNA tests performed by researchers at Australia’s ...
"Dolphins follow migrating fish - a winter migration of the European anchovy is ongoing, and we see that the common bottlenose dolphins from the western and southwestern water areas [adjacent to ...