Disclaimer: The content presented here is for entertainment purposes only and does not guarantee the authenticity or accuracy of the information. The content may contain elements of fiction, ...
Dublin father used a computer to save the life of his baby daughter who had a rare bone disease. Report shows Tom and Gertrude Jordon with baby Sinéad at Dublin Airport. Interviews with Tom and ...
Pediatric surgeons at the University of California, San Francisco, have treated a second-trimester fetus with stem cells taken from her mother’s bone marrow. The baby, born in February, was the first ...
The first experimental matched bone marrow transplants successfully treat immunodeficient patients. In both cases the matches are between identical twins. April: A healthy baby girl, Katherine ...
2 In a large, deep frying pan, heat the oil on medium and sauté the onion for 2-3 three minutes until tender. Stir in the baby marrow and cook for a further 2 minutes. 3 Mix the baby marrow mixture ...