Zaps of static electricity might be a wintertime annoyance, but to certain scientists, they represent an untapped source of ...
The Wimshurst machine is seen largely as a curio today, but it did have genuine scientific applications back in the day. Beyond simply using it to investigate static electricity, its output could ...
And it’s all because of static electricity. Static electricity is a build up of electric charge on an object, and it can have some pretty strange effects. See, everything around us is made up of ...
Solving the Mystery of Static Electricity for Practical Applications The phenomenon of static electricity has been observed ...
The ability to control and predict static electricity could have significant applications in fields ranging from medicine to aerospace, where small electric shocks can have big consequences.
The triboelectric effect, also known as triboelectric charging, is a fascinating phenomenon that occurs when certain materials come into contact and then separate, resulting in an exchange of electric ...
amid slumping sales during the coronavirus pandemic, so it's looking to harness a new power source to jump-start sales: static electricity. The company's next-generation Accutron Spaceview 2020 ...