让我们从具体的弦乐器谈起。Cremona Quartet Ensemble中的四种标志性乐器分别是Stradivari小提琴、Guarneri小提琴、Amati中提琴以及Stradivari大提琴。这些乐器不仅制成于17和18世纪,更以其完美的音质与音色在历史上占据着不可或缺的地位。意大利的每一座小提琴彰显着制琴师深厚的技艺与对乐器艺术的无私奉献。特别是Stradivari Violin ...
When Oxford's Ashmolean Museum had an exhibition of Stradivari instruments in 2013, its catalogue paid unmistakable homage ... The software I've subsequently put together to realize Francois's ideas I ...
Today, the Stradivari Museum holds many tools and artifacts of his work. Andrea Mosconi is the curator of this museum. [Italian spoken audio] There are three big families. Andrea Amati ...
The design was perfected over the next two centuries, most notably by the master luthiers of Cremona in Italy — the Stradivari, Guarneri and Amati families; little has changed since then.