Your credit score is a product of many factors, but people with perfect scores have three big things in common. Find out how they've earned top marks from FICO.
Most American consumers associate their credit score with financial health, believing that a higher score reflects a stronger ...
That said, there's no reason not to shoot for a perfect FICO® Score of 850. Here are two reasons why: You earn a perfect credit score by managing debt well. If your FICO® Score is 850 ...
Discover why a perfect 850 credit score isn't necessary for financial success, and what you can do to improve your score.
While it might "be exciting to aim for 850, the highest possible FICO score," achieving that milestone "really comes with no ...
Does that mean hitting the highest possible credit score — 850 — is a goal worth striving for? Admittedly, a good to excellent credit score can make a major difference in a person's financial ...
I'm J.R. Whalen for The Wall Street Journal. The average credit score in the US is 717. So what does it take to boost your score to a perfect 850? It's become an everyday obsession for some ...
Ever wondered what it takes to get a perfect 850 credit score? For one Texas engineer who became obsessed, it was a grueling five-year journey of trial and error ...